
We are also known as The Najac Solution, just a different name for the same quality of services. We function as Financial Advisors. We assist in solving IRS Problems and are not limited to Audit and collections issues. This is in addition to tax related advices and strategies to minimize your tax burden.
In lieu of a lengthy account of what we are efficient at, we will focus on the following:


What We Do

This is a well-kept secret that actually works. Current law provides that a taxpayer can settle the amount owed for a determined period or periods for less or much less than the actual debt. We can help achieve that dream. You can go at it on your own. However, I would not recommend that you do. There is a roadmap to initiating the offer.

Basically, the process is twofold:

We have prepared income taxes for individuals and businesses since 1983. We have an excellent track record and we do not leave our clients stranded. We pre-audit the returns that we prepare when we review the transactions. We are with you all the way.
We also assist our clients in tax planning, a great tool to help you save on taxes. The bottom line is that we prepare next year taxes this year given your request.
Final word of wisdom: no shame in being forthcoming dealing with your accountant. Trust in us. We are here to save you money and avoid stress.

If you are part of the family and you want to buy a home, we will walk you through that process. We strongly suggest that Consultation take place before you even look at any property. There are more instances where we provide valuable advices and we honestly cannot list them all here.

We are your home away from home would be the best way to describe this service.  We don’t see this skill as a standalone process.  Nevertheless we love it more when you are part of the family. As an example, we practice prevention and thus this is the best advice we can give anyone.

We provide the above-mentioned services to both Self- employed individuals and Small Businesses with less than 10 employees.


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